Thursday, December 19, 2013

VDV Four Advent Day 2: Christmas Wreath out of Hand Tracings

Our Advent Activity Day 2 was a craft that I'm super excited about; something I will be able to put on display every year. I don't have a lot of Christmas decorations, aside from my tree; so I'm pretty excited to build on those by the crafts and items I make with my boys.

What I used for this craft: a wooden floral wreath from Michaels, 3 different shades of green felt, a bag of multi-shade red pom poms and a bottle of Mod Podge Stiffy (seriously, who named this?) to stiffen the felt. In preparation for this craft, I brushed the Mod Podge onto each piece of felt until it was saturated and then let it dry for 48 hours. On the day of use, I traced the boys hands onto the felt, where they each had tracing cutouts in each of the shades. In hindsight, I think I would have cut the felt first, then stiffened the hand cutouts. My hands hurt so bad after I cut out 30 hands...
Once all of the hands were cut out, Bug helped me use the hot glue gun to attach them onto the wooden floral wreath. I placed them in multiple directions, so that the fingers looked like branches of leaves, giving the finished wreath a nice dimensional look. To complete it, we glued on our red pom poms. I have to say, the wreath turned out better than I would have thought, and I love, love, love it!! So excited to bring it out every year to remind me of how little my boys once were!
And of course, Francis was up to some funny business this morning, having a potato sack race with some of Bug's stuffed friends.

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